皇冠体育app社区的每一个成员都有一个故事要讲. Here are just a few of them. And if you have a story of your own to share, let us know!
Let's take a look back...to our very first president, 感谢著名的教育家和校友,感谢184年来一直慷慨支持皇冠体育app的恩人.
The Many Faces of Alfred
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I enjoy working with people from all around the world. I like the challenges I face each day.
I went on and earned a Master's Degree and PhD in the field, 这都要归功于在非盟大学和心理学系的经历.
Alfred gave me the opportunity to branch out from glass. 我开始欣赏你的作品所处的物理环境.
我最喜欢阿尔弗雷德的一点是他的人. Everyone is just so friendly here. Whenever you walk around on campus you know tha...
我们的目标是了解(大学内)每个系做什么,以及如何将其应用于军事事务. This will show how we can improve and...
联系皇冠体育app的导师是我职业生涯中做过的最好的决定之一. I now have a great plan and a clear...
I chose Alfred University because it felt like a second home; I was wanted every time I stepped outside. The people of this community who have made...
对我来说,皇冠体育app是一个地方,我可以成长不仅作为一个学生,但作为一个人. Here my friends are more like family and Alfred Univer...
We have a big round table, and everyone is welcome.
传播学专业教会了我很多关于朋友间交流的知识, family and colleagues, and it also opened the doors to my pass...
这个社区就像一个家庭,我们都希望看到彼此成功. 我在阿尔弗雷德度过的时间比我一生中任何地方都多,而且...
这是我希望我的学生牢记在心的信息:找到你的激情:找到你想要的东西, job, activity, or career that you enjoy and that you do we...
Alfred is what you make it. If you want to be adventurous and try new things, 总会有人愿意分享他们的经验...
I had a wonderful experience!
与老师们一起工作,追求我的研究是我在澳大实现的一生目标. If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere.
Combining my interests in fine art and theater, 我试图通过运用我的传统艺术技巧来模糊这两个领域之间的界限...
Alfred has been everything I had hoped it would be. 老师和工作人员总是愿意帮助我,我的同学们都接受我作为一个...
I applied to Alfred University as a backup school...a way to make my mom happy...上皇冠体育app可能是我做过的最好的选择...
我知道我所有的教授和教练都会督促我做到最好. All these challenges, physical and academic, are...
At Alfred, 我很自在地公开展示我是谁,解释我的个人和学术兴趣,而不用担心我是否会被接受...
我很高兴能够学习从人类绩效到管理和组织行为学的各种学科,这样当我毕业的时候, I wil...
I have received endless love and support from everyone, 我对自己选择了这所大学感到无比的感激和自豪.
我立刻明白,我找到了一个充满善意的地方, passionate, and interesting people. I wanted my family and I to be a part of ...
It has been exhilarating. A blessing in all spheres of my life!
在南非,能够在美国学习被视为一种巨大的特权和机会. I am beyond grateful to be able to do this in such ...
我真的很感激我在皇冠体育app亲近的人. 这些人一直安慰人,足智多谋,爱罪...
阿尔弗雷德揭开了世界的一层面纱,让我意识到我对它知之甚少. Because of it, I have spent my life trying to learn more ab...
这是一个非常开放和包容的校园,课程非常轻松. 我喜欢校园的规模以及学校的社区.
I love the freedom and free-spirited nature of AU, 这所大学创造了友好的氛围和文化.
我在实验室被赋予的独立和责任以及奇妙的怪异, like-minded people who are similarly attracted to this pl...
The diversity is what makes this place special; I love the diversity.
I would get lost in the woods to find myself.
When I was looking for the right college, 我妈妈告诉我,她希望她能重新上大学. I never understood why until I ...
大多数学生留在他们的学校,无论是艺术还是工程. I want to bring people together with games. No matter why we came here, we ca...
I wouldn’t trade my time here for anything. Take advantage of all the opportunities Alfred has to offer!
I found myself yearning for AU when I was home, and now that I’m in graduate school, I’m still nostalgic for my time on campus. I felt and still fe...
阿尔弗雷德教会我,你只能为自己的失败而自责,因为生活给了你赢得战争所需的一切武器. It i...
Academics should always be a priority, but you also need those times you can relax and take a load off. Alfred provides that perfect balance. There...
Before starting this [APEX] experience, 我知道我想成为一名兽医,但不确定我将在这个行业中走哪条路. Perf...
Getting the chance to work on art installations, and handling the design, feasibility assessment, fabrication, finishing and installation aspects g...
The people I have met at Alfred are amazing...my two best friends/roommates that I still stay in touch with. It is such a small university and thes...
As students, we only get so much hands-on experience. 这次实习帮助我将课堂学习与实际应用联系起来...
皇冠体育app给了我一个创造性的平台,探索我的激情,并发展成为一个领导者. After graduation, I felt empowered to jump int...
我有远大的梦想,也明白在我的梦想和梦想的现实之间的桥梁是努力工作. Alfred University not only believ...